Wednesday 25 April 2007

Welcome to the Garden Chaos Blog!

Well I couldn't fill up Aengus's baby blog with loads of waffle about our gardening exploits and I imagine quite a few people will find it drearily boring so I've started a new blog for anyone interested.

What's it all about? Well, when we moved into Windmill House in August 2006, the small front garden was a scrubby bit of grass with some overgrown plants and the back garden was an uneven patch of grass. There was no shed and nowhere to put the spa (as I write this, there is now a shed but still nowhere to put the spa!)

So this little blog is to show our progress and share some of the fun (if you can call it that) that we have been having revamping the gardens.

Here are a couple of pics from the back garden before we started - infact they're from the sales blurb before we bought the place!

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